Monday, April 28, 2008

Wellington vs San Francisco Training Event: Sunday 4th May 11am (NZ Time)

Join us for the modern world's first Simultaneous Labyrinth Run: Wellington at 11am Sunday 4th / San Francisco at 4pm Saturday 3rd.

Sunday 4th May, 2008
11:00am - 12:00pm
Queen's Wharf Square

They currently hold the fastest male time for a 3-circuit Labyrinth Run, and we hold the fastest female time - as per the first official Labyrinth Training Report. San Francisco is also the only location to have tried a 7-Circuit Labyrinth so far, largely due to the number of people it requires.

The plan is to synchronize watches with the Californians, and co-ordinate simultaneous races via Cellphone. It really is a small world after all...

Once again we'll have tea, coffee & snacks available, and you're welcome to bring friends, family and loved ones.

If you still have no idea what this Labyrinth Training thing is all about, here is our brief explanation.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

3rd Training Session now Sunday of Anzac Weekend

We were going to do a session Sunday 20th, but due to a few key people not being able to make it, we've postponed to the following Sunday:

Sunday 27th April, 2008
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Queen's Wharf Square
Now at Victoria University Quad!

Once again, any friends and family are welcome as well - and we'll have snacks, drinks and lots of fun. If you're free, just stop on by.

UPDATE: The team in San Francisco beat our best time (seen below), so we've got a target to hit. They also recorded the first international time for a 7-Circuit Labyrinth, which is ripe for the challenging. Once we have more info on their runs, we'll post links to it here.

Briefly Held 3-Circuit Record: 27 Seconds!

UPDATE: A team in San Francisco has managed to beat this record, but it's a great video of a fast time all the same.

Oh yeah. That's right. A small but dedicated group got together for our second Labyrinth Training Session, braving the cold biting Wellington wind.

Atalanta lived up to her Thumos strength and picked up the role of runner so fast. We're really getting the hang of being walls too.

Check it out:

Unfortunately we didn't have the numbers to move onto the 5-Circuit Labyrinth we drew, but hopefully with better conditions we'll have a better turnout.

Thanks to everyone who wasn't put off by the weather & attended, and to thomasscovell & starlajo for the video!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Saturday 11am Training will be @ Queens Wharf

It may have been a beautiful summery day today, but the Metservice are predicting rain and developing Southerlies tomorrow. Rather than disbelieve the weatherman, we're going to play it safe.

So training will now take place in the same location as last time:

Under the Sails
Queens Wharf Square
Saturday 19th April, 11am

And who knows, we might get some more members for our humming walls from the Armageddon community who'll all be inside the TSB Bank Arena!

Once again we'll come with tea and coffee and snacks. And trust us, it was sheltered enough last time with rain hosing down elsewhere - so we should be fine.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Second Training Event This Saturday

Saturday 19th April, 2008
11am - 12pm
Now @ Queen's Wharf (was Waitangi Park)

Everyone is welcome, as are your friends!

Wet weather venue: Queen's Wharf Square

If you're planning on coming, it would great if you could
Discover Your Ancient Strength.
This will help us allocate roles on the day.

We'll be providing snacky happiness, so please let us know whether you're coming so we can ensure we have enough. You can RSVP via email or the comments section below.

If you have any questions, email us at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Practicing Drawing a 5-Circuit Labyrinth

After discovering the 3-circuit labyrinths really easy to make, we found ourselves facing a much harder challenge with the 5-circuit.
It took us over an hour, with much head-scratching and sketching on paper. Now looking online, we can see that we drew it somewhat more complicated than the one in the Codex.

Instead of making an enormous central point, we took the time and effort to follow the style of the 7-Circuit - resulting in an irregular diamond shape "hole", and a constant 2 foot gap between walls. As it's meant to be a "training labyrinth" for the Olympic Size, it's possible that this design might actually be more useful than that shown in the codex - we'll have to decide before next Saturday which we'll use.

Speaking of Saturday, if you'll be in Wellington, please join us for our second training session. We'll be in Waitangi Park from 11am - exactly where in the park we're not yet sure, but we'll confirm on here before then. In the case of bad weather, we'll return to Queen's Wharf as it's mostly sheltered.

Hope to see you then!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

First Video!

Finally! Here is the initial video of our first training efforts on Saturday 5th April:

Google Video seems to have majorly compressed it, so if I can get a better quality version up, I'll update this...

A big thanks to all those who participated, and elisa & jon who recorded the event for posterity!

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Beginning

Welcome to the online home of the NZ Labyrinth Training group - based in Wellington.

You may be wondering just what Labyrinth Training is, or how it might be able to save the world - and rightly so. We'll be updating this site very soon with links and information to help you answer those questions, as well as results from past training and plans for the future.

Suffice to say for now, this is part of a global effort to revive The Lost Sport - a game dating back to the Ancient Olympics. So far training has begun in Guelph, Ontario (video/photos) and Madrid, Spain (video/photos) . Our event on the 5th of April was the third such recorded.

The next event we have planned is on Saturday 19th of April - in Waitangi Park. All are welcome!