Thursday, May 29, 2008

Next Labyrinth Training: Saturday 7th June

Saturday 7th June, 2008
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Queen's Wharf Square

It'll be heaps of fun and afternoon tea will be provided (including freshly baked Chocolate Chip Cookies).

While we all enjoy a long weekend for Queen's Birthday, there will be the first Labyrinth Training sessions happening in Tokyo, London and Portland Oregon. Players of the Lost Sport continue to rise up across the globe, and the competition is starting to heat up.

Our session last weekend didn't set any records, but was awesome fun - being our first including children under 10. Watching a 7-year old run a 3-Circuit Labyrinth in 40 seconds was incredible!

We had hoped to have our next training event simultaneously with groups playing in New York, San Francisco, Austin and Sao Paolo - but that would've been 9am Sunday for us, and bugger that! As an alternative, we're hoping to do a live webcast of the second half of our session, from 2:30pm NZ time.

If you've never played before, don't worry, we'll get you fully up to speed in the first half-hour so we can all look like professionals for the other teams around the world. If you're not sure what that webcast would look like, check out the videos of our previous training runs further down the page on this blog.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Labyrinth Training Saturday 24th May

Well, we've just had word that San Francisco cracked our 16 second record today - with video proof pending. When it's up, we'll link through to it.

EDIT: Saturday's venue has been changed due to the weather forecast - we decided to move it to somewhere more sheltered - if you need a ride, let us know and we'll see what we can organise.

Saturday 24th May, 2008
3:30pm - 4:30pm
Queen's Wharf Square
Victoria University "Quad"
Entrance #5 off Kelburn Parade

If you've never come along before, don't worry - it's easy to pick up, and we'd love to see you there. If you'd like to know more about "The Lost Sport", check out our brief explanation. We'll be having a number of sessions in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on this blog for results and the next dates.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

3-Circuit Labyrinth in 16 Seconds!

Results are in from our training session last Sunday 4th May.

Although San Francisco and Los Angeles didn't have the numbers to do a synchronised training, we had a heck of a lot of fun anyway. And as you can see, we're getting pretty damn good at it!

More updates to come soon, including the time and date of our next training session.